Personal Assault

Crime has been proven to be reduced by as much as 90% where a highly visible CCTV system is installed.


Halon Bank Monitor provides complete control of access control, CCTV and an intruder system from a single system

Within the classroom environment assaults on teachers in schools are increasing in number each year. But it’s not only teachers who face this threat. All staff, pupils, parents and visitors on the premises out of hours need to be protected.

In addition to the CCTV and Access Control systems already covered, the introduction of panic alarms in classrooms or along corridors will allow individuals to more easily raise the alarm in the event of attack.

Also in this Section

Ensuring a secure environment for schools
Schools know about the 3 R’s. They should think seriously about making a provision for the 3 D’s – Deterrence, Detection, and Detention.


Vandalism in schools
Vandalism and graffiti account for the majority of individual criminal incidents within the school environment – but reports of incidents decreasing by up to 90% are common where CCTV cameras have been installed.



Arson in schools
According to the DfES, 75% of all fires reported in schools are as the result of Arson

Theft in schools
One of the major risks schools continue to face is theft – particularly with high value items such as computers.


Weapons in schools
It's a frightening thought, but more children are carrying weapons, and the threat of a serious incident is all too apparent.



Top 10 Security Dos and Don’ts for schools
A checklist to ensure your school is properly protected



Solutions for schools
More details about the specific solutions that can make your school a safer place


Security in schools, but at what cost? - Contact Us
Halon Bank have the ability and expertise to integrate your security systems and offer tailored packages and flexible pricing options

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