Arson in schools

More than 30 per cent of fires in hotels, guest houses and food outlets start in the kitchen.


Halon Bank CabWatch is an innovative vehicle system combining CCTV and GPS technology to deter violent crime within the Taxi and Private Hire Industry 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Statistically 1 in 15 schools will suffer a fire. According to the DfES, 75% of all fires reported in schools are as the result of Arson. In 2000 the costs of fires to schools amounted to around £65m. 

These are frightening statistics. Most Arson attacks happen out of hours, when the risk of damage the property is increased, but the likelihood of causing harm to people is low. When school hours are extended there is an increased risk that buildings could be occupied by staff and students when fire breaks out.

To deter a would-be arsonist, professionally installed, managed and maintained CCTV systems can monitor access points and vulnerable locations around the premises, and may provide valuable evidence. Intruder alarms and access control give early warning to a potential intruder.

Fire detection systems can be integrated in to automatic fire suppression systems such as sprinklers, or water mist extinguishing systems. In areas where water damage would prevent such an option such as computer rooms, gaseous extinguishing systems flood the area with an array of gases to extinguish the fire.

It is also important that staff should be trained on the use portable fire extinguishers, and that extinguishers are positioned correctly and maintained to the appropriate standards.

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