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Intruder Alarms Systems

67% of all fires occur at times when buildings are closed – after 6pm


Halon Bank Emergency Response perform in excess of 5000 patrols each week

Halon Bank intruder alarm systems are designed for use in the widest of applications, from small residential, to large high security installations such as banks, financial institutions or vulnerable, high-risk sites such as public utilities, railways and airports.

  • Advanced Controls
    The Halon Bank range of control systems are user friendly and employ the latest micro-circuit technology. Our PX range of control systems operate in accordance with the draft British Standard DD243:2002, and come with keypads, encrypted keys and can be integrated with other systems.

  • Intruder Detection
    The latest Halon Bank movement detectors substantially increase immunity to false alarms to ensure that you maintain Police response. Halon Bank also stock an extensive range of door, window and shutter contacts, and alternative detectors including vibration, sound and break-glass sensors for complete protection.

  • Monitoring & Response
    An alarm is only as good as the response it initiates. Halon Bank provide a comprehensive alarm monitoring and response service. Once an intrusion has been detected, a signal is transmitted to the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), where events are verified and action is taken to alert keyholders and the emergency services.

  • Light Control
    The Halon Bank Light Control System automatically switches lights on when someone approaches a protected area. A useful deterrent for unwanted visitors and a convenient one for welcome ones. Units are weatherproof with long and short range sensors.

  • Smoke Security
    Halon Bank SmokeCloak is a proven Smoke security system which produces a dense, harmless vapour reducing visibility to practically zero in less than 60 seconds. This disorientates burglars and safeguards premises until the emergency services arrive.

  • Panic Buttons
    Halon Bank personal attack systems incorporating panic buttons generate a rapid response in the event of a personal attack, even in large buildings. Receivers are individually identified allowing fast location of the incident.

  • Servic  ing & Maintenance
    Halon Bank employ a dedicated, highly qualified team of installation and service engineers who provide nation-wide coverage for scheduled and emergency servicing and maintenance.

  • NACOSS Approved?
    The National Approval Council for Security Systems (NACOSS) recognise, inspect and regulate firms who install, maintain and monitor electronic security systems. Halon Bank are a Recognised Firm with NACOSS and comply with their range of standards and Codes of Practice.

  • Draft British Standard DD243:2002
    From 1st July 2002 all new Police calling alarm systems in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are required to comply with DD243:2002. This describes the operation of confirmation technology.

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