Customer Testimonials

SmokeCloak can secure a room as large as 800 cubic metres by reducing visibility to practically zero in less than 60 seconds


Halon Bank CabWatch is an innovative vehicle system combining CCTV and GPS technology to deter violent crime within the Taxi and Private Hire Industry 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Sky Ford, Hemel Hempstead

“What I’ve got now which I never had before is peace of mind”.

Chris Green has been extremely impressed with the system: “We have had the remote monitoring for four years and I could not imagine being without it. We’ve got a million pounds’ worth of stock and I used to worry at night. Not any more. What I’ve got now which I never had before is peace of mind”.

“The system is great. It reacts instantly. The cameras swing round and they’re on you – you can’t escape. The intruder gets tannoyed and if they don’t go, the police get called. It’s as simple as that. They haven’t got time to do any damage because the system is so fast.

“It’s actually got better over time, because word has got round. They all know about the system that we’ve got. We used to have the odd wheel stolen in the early days, but now we don’t even get that. It’s a tremendous system. I cannot imagine anyone not wanting it”.

Dutton Foreshaw, Aylesbury

“We have an identical deterrent to our previous Halon Bank Wardens – but at a greatly reduced cost”.

Organization has been trouble free for a long time: “Before we invested in Remote Video Response, we had Halon Bank wardens and we never had any trouble with break-ins or vandalism. We were just looking to reduce costs”.

“I reckon that the payback period on our Remote Video Response investment is about two years, so we’re into cost saving now. The system provides an identical deterrent to the wardens across our 2.5-acre site – but at a greatly reduced cost”.

“It also allows us to playback and check up on any incidents of concern. But basically, it’s the cost saving that’s paramount”.


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An introduction to Forecourt security
Vandalism and theft from motor businesses is costing thousands of pounds in damaged stock, lost revenue and increased insurance premiums


Visibility + triggered monitoring + response = Forecourt Security
The right system that can actively prevent crime on your forecourt requires CCTV to be taken further


Case Study - Erdington Motors
More than just a security deterrent


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