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Halon Interview

Halon Bank Fire's Managing Director, was interviewed on Radio 5 Live on January 2nd, about the subject of the mandatory decommissioning of Halons in fire fighting equipment.

Despite the impending deadline dates, businesses remain very ignorant of their responsibilities for the Halon they have on their premises under the EC Regulation 2037/2000.

31 December 2002 was the last day that existing Halon systems could be recharged with Halon. Now, if the system discharges it is effectively useless. As there is currently no drop in replacement, businesses may find that the equipment the system was protecting is vulnerable to the risk of fire until a new system can be purchased and installed.

After 31 December 2003, all Halon systems must have been decommissioned and the Halon itself must have been disposed of by an approved contractor.

Halon has been an effective extinguishant used in fire suppression systems since the 1950s and thousands of companies have entrusted their most valuable computer and high tech manufacturing facilities to its care. Unfortunately, Halons used in fire fighting equipment have the highest ozone-depleting potential of any chemicals in common use. 150 countries agreed in the Montreal Protocol to control the use of all ozone depleting chemicals and Halon was one of the first to be banned.

Also in this Section

Halon Replacement Information
If you're using a HALON fire suppression system you're going to have to change it. It's the law.


Your Responsibilities... To Your Assets
By its nature, Halon is used to protect highly sensitive and valuable equipment. From the end of 2002 these assets will be vulnerable.

Your Responsibilities... To The Environment
Anyone concerned with controlled waste must ensure it is managed properly, recovered and disposed of safely

Your Responsibilities... To Your Staff
Planning a Halon replacement must include consideration of the effect on staff and ensure that they are protected from toxic effects.

The Solution - Halon Decommissioning
Between now and eventual decommissioning of your Halon system Halon Bank can help you at every step of the way.

5 steps to Halon Decommissioning
Finding an effective alternative to Halon is no longer a choice, it is a necessity. This may mean a complete change in fire protection strategy for your premises.

What's the next step?
No action is not an option. If you have a Halon system it will need replacing. The deadline is drawing closer...

The Halon Issue
Halon Bank provide the voice of the industry on Radio 4's Today programme

Contact Halon Bank
Halon Bank is uniquely placed to offer the most comprehensive advice and expertise on the decommissioning and replacement of Halon systems


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