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System Design Guidelines

SmokeCloak can secure a room as large as 800 cubic metres by reducing visibility to practically zero in less than 60 seconds


Halon Bank CabWatch is an innovative vehicle system combining CCTV and GPS technology to deter violent crime within the Taxi and Private Hire Industry 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The image of a person of average height has to be at least


of screen height for

deterrent view.

The image of a person of average height has to be at least


of screen height for

recognition view.

The image of a person of average height has to be at least


of screen height for

identification view.


A maximum camera view of

3 metres width

is necessary to successfully read number plates.
Also in this Section

Ensuring you have a CCTV system that works
Perhaps not surprisingly, Halon Bank has found that CCTV systems that don't have a maintenance contract fail much more often that those that do have regular maintenance.



10 Point CCTV Self-Check List
You may not find out that your CCTV system is not running to its full potential until its too late. The Halon Bank 10 point CCTV self check list will help you decide if your system needs a spring clean.


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