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CCTV Monitoring
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Halon Bank CabWatch









RVR Case Study - Fastsource Proves Far Sighted With RVR

Fastsource, the Yorkshire based haulage business, had a major issue. It needed to protect both its vehicles and large amounts of diesel fuel stored on site.

Director explains in more detail:

"Traditionally the company employed two night watchmen from 6pm to 6am to cover the site. The introduction of new employment legislation, however, with the resultant increase in costs meant we had to review our strategy. The obvious solution was CCTV, but our initial assessment was that CCTV in itself was not as effective as having guards on-site. Then a colleague suggested we consider remote video monitoring, and through our installer Halon Bank Security we were introduced to Remote Video Response (RVR)."

Fastsource is delighted with their investment in RVR, saving money and proving more effective than employing security officers.

"In the age of league tables, the Police are keen to use their resources in a manner that achieves a conviction," Jean says. "The beauty of RVR is that the Police can be called while the criminals are still on site and the video evidence makes it easier for the Police to gain a conviction."

"Since the installation, we have managed to secure an arrest and a conviction for a man caught taking fuel from one of the vehicles. He was prosecuted on the strength of the video evidence we were able to supply to the Police."

Jean goes on to say:

"The operators use their skills and knowledge of the site to distinguish between a false alarm and a real break in. This does wonders for our relationship with the Police.”

"With all the success we have had since we opted for RVR other companies in the area have seen how effective it is and are now looking into doing the same.”

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Remote Monitoring
Halon Bank Remote Monitoring combined with Halon Bank Emergency Response provides a unique solution, designed to deliver peace of mind.


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