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Halon Bank CabWatch
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Nuneaton firm hopes new security device will cut down attacks on cabbies

67% of all fires occur at times when buildings are closed – after 6pm


Utilising state of the art graphics and dual voice over narration, Halon Bank's CD ROM is the latest innovation in computer-based fire training

Nuneaton Evening Telegraph

Camera aims to cut cab crimes

A Nuneaton taxi firm has become the first in the region to protect its drivers by installing groundbreaking technology that tracks exactly what is happening to the vehicle.

Police have welcomed the decision by MGM Taxis based at Attleborough Fields Industrial Estate, to introduce Halon Bank CabWatch into all of its cabs and have urged other firms to take part.

CabWatch combines CCTV and satellite positioning technology, allowing drivers who feel threatened to press a secret button which relays images to a monitoring system and opens up an audio link.

Once activated the police are contacted and the exact position of the taxi can be tracked using Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology.

“This protects our employees, gives greater confidence to drivers and passengers alike, and helps us recruit and retain the best people

“The system acts as a deterrent to any passenger considering attacking or robbing anyone in our vehicles.

“Our cabbies are safe in the knowledge that help is just a step away 24 hours a day.

“An example of this is the fact that we have just taken on a female driver who before the system was installed would never have even considered working at night.”

“Damage and disorder in taxis is prevalent and there is a disturbing trend appearing with increases in malicious attacks and robberies directed at taxi drivers.”

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Halon Bank CabWatch
A new dimension in driver personal protection and vehicle security for taxi cabs.


Cabbies Go Hi-Tech In The Fight Against Crime
A joint initiative to increase the safety of cabbies


Halon Bank CabWatch Features
Halon Bank CabWatch offers the technology, service and peace of mind to protect drivers and passengers on every journey


Halon Bank CabWatch Benefits
Halon Bank Cabwatch provides benefits in 3 key areas: Deterrence, Detection and Detention


Halon Bank CabWatch - The Package
Details of the Halon Bank CabWatch package and installation and maintenance information


Halon Bank's Cab Watch a turning point in Cab safety
"The trial with Leicester Council enables us to have a positive impact on the safety of taxi drivers."


Serious solution to a serious problem
Road Runners turns to Halon Bank CabWatch in fight against crime


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