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ESCAPE from fire














Halon Bank Risk Manager

Over 70% of businesses involved in a major fire either do not reopen or subsequently fail within 3 years of fire


Halon bank can undertake all your keyholding responsibilities and supply comprehensive reports of actions taken

Visit for a user-friendly way of completing your fire risk assessment.

You answer the questions that are relevant to your workplace and Halon bankRiskManager does the rest, producing a detailed fire risk assessment to help you comply with fire regulations.

Also in this Section

The Halon Bank Approach to Fire Safety
You must plan your overall fire strategy to ensure the safety of people in your building

Halon Bank Fire Extranet Demo
Halon Bank can offer an Extranet facility to enable large, multi-site organisations to monitor their extinguisher protection accurately and effectively from any location in the World.


Halon Bank Fire Export
Halon Bank Fire Export's global reputation is built around product innovation and trusted product supply.

Alarming Facts...
You don't want to become a statistic

Why choose Halon Bank?
A complete solution to fire safety with no gaps or overlaps
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